Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do Go Chasing Waterfalls

We woke up yesterday to our second to last day in Malaysia.  After a slow moving morning we wondered up to the Jetty mall and got some food with everyone, returning to Kenny Rogers, which has pretty good chicken and sides. Dad was still focused on getting the boat in complete working order for the class that will be taking it when we leave, so some of the rest of us decided to go check out one of the local waterfalls that Tami and Rio knew of. So five us us piled into a small rented car and took off. The drive was very pretty but very warm. We were experiencing another triple digit day, but noticed the temp slowly falling downwards as we left town and started heading up one of the local mountainsides. The drive was full of jungle views, local housing, and random cows and water buffalo scattered along the side of the road. When we finally reached the end of the road we had been driving on, we found ourselves looking at a couple of little tourist style shops leading up to a pathway going further up the mountain. Immediately it was clear that the temperature here was far more comfortable than it had been below. We followed the path into a beautiful scene that looked to take some Japanese inspiration. There was a meandering stream cascading down the mountain, between a rock staircase on one side and a broken up bridge crisscrossing to and along the other. Beautiful flowers and Japanese inspired rock coverings were scattered about. 

We continued following the path ever upwards, which traced along the stream’s pathway. It finally ended at a waterfall that looked to be around thirty foot or so in height. Massively tall then trees surrounded us, and looking back behind us gave a beautiful view of the valley below. It was a great place to cool down and spend some time. 
  Before we had left, Crys had joked that she may have to “fall in” to the water when we arrived to cool down. Once we arrived she did decide to wade in a ways with Tami and the others, and unfortunately within a couple of steps hit a slick spot and plopped down into the water. While very refreshing, it definitely wasn’t planned. Good thing she had thought ahead and packed some extra ‘just in case’ clothes. We spent a couple of hours hanging out there enjoying the cool water and beautiful view before deciding to roam back down the mountainside. 

About halfway down, we came across a place that sold young coconuts. Tami had been in the mood for some coconut water, so we stopped in and had some fresh. It was a little warm, but reasonably tasty drink, as they took fresh coconuts, cut off the top with a machete, then stick a straw in it and give it to you.

We got back to the boat around sunset and Rio, Crys and I decided that it would be a good to finish up the night with a swim in the pool that overlooks the boats. It was warm water, but still refreshing with the night air. A good finish to the night. 

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