Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Another entertaining day in paradise. As you can see it does include discovering that the clubhouse in front of the marina has Interwebs connection, so I was able to post all of my updates.

Today was another great day of shopping, good food and interesting sights. The plan tomorrow is to do a bit more exploring of the island in the morn. Then when high tide hits at 3:30 we'll exit the marina and head around the island to a place where we'll anchor and spend the eve. Then come the following morning we'll set sail for Ko Lippi. I'm told that this is where the diving is excellent. Given that I haven't actually been in the water yet here, I'm ecstatic about that prospect. Course that also means that now that I've discovered an interwebs connection I'll once again be leaving it, so you may only get one more update at most before we exit again for awhile. But I'll continue blogging as we go and post them once we return to the world wide web. Till then, hope you folks enjoy the posts above!

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