I've got most everything except the electronics packed up. They're all charging. Crys is mostly packed as well, though being less experienced in long travels is convinced she's forgetting everything and frantically looking around just in case. Crys's mom will be over in a couple of hours. Big thanks to her, as she's agreed to crash here tonight then take us to the airport at god awful o'clock in the morn.
The trick tonight will be to get enough sleep tonight to function tomorrow, but not so much that we can't take a good long nap once we get on the flight from Atlanta to Japan. That will be our longest leg, and a good place to start convincing our bodies that it really is 13hrs later than it thinks it is. Always an interesting trick.
Here's hoping for a smooth trip, with few airline annoyances. I'll try and do a quick check in once we're in the hotel (City Lodge Sukhumvit 9 Hotel), assuming I'm not too brain dead to figure out their wifi setup. Wish us luck folks, and we'll see you all on the other side of the world.
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